Saturday, February 9, 2013

Beliefs of Naturals - Affirmations to Transform Your Core Beliefs to Seduce Any Woman

This is my personal seduction affirmation list. It's mostly to help me be successful with women but also has a lot to do with having self-esteem, confidence and a healthy psychological state of being. Feel free to use it and share it with others. It took me a long time to build this list and I have found it extremely helpful. Using these affirmations has forever changed my life and I'm sure it will change yours too!

Everything in your life has to do with your psychological state of being. You are your thoughts and your thoughts are you. Change your mind and you change the world. Your external reality is nothing more than a reflection of your internal reality. Do not look out there, look within. Work on your inner self and inner world first then everything else will change for the better.

Perception is Reality. How you perceive the exterior world determines what your experience of it will be. These affirmations may seem outrageous because they are. The human mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and imagined. Believe in these affirmations absolutely and completely as the FACT of gravity just as religious junkies believe in irrational fairy tales. The crazy thing about humans, if you believe that the moon is made out of cheese, that is your reality. To observe the incredible power of thoughts and beliefs just observe the followers of religions, it consumes their entire reality. You do not need to purchase a DVD and book called "the secret" that is promoted on the Oprah show, the evidence is all around us. Except for nature, everything around us was once a thought inside someone's head. We are surrounded by manifested thoughts. You have to believe that something is possible before it can ever be possible. If you ever hear the voice "I can't" in your head, that is a limiting belief. Reframe the thought with "I can". Most of the universe is empty space, your external reality is just puddle of water reflecting your your inner reality.

Beliefs of Naturals - Affirmations to Transform Your Core Beliefs to Seduce Any Woman

Repetition is the language of the subconscious mind. When the conscious and subconscious mind agree on something anything is possible!

Beliefs of Naturals - My Reality

Read 3 times before bed and in the morning(do it for a for month) Record in the second person. Play recording on a loop continuously at a low volume(whisper). Play recording during the day and at night while sleeping.

1. Being with me is the best possible choice for any woman.

2. Women love men and especially love me.

3. I love life! I am one with the universe.

4. I am God. I am Perfect. This is my Universe!

5. I am fearless, courageous and bold!

6. I read pages at a time incredibly fast with complete comprehension! I read ten books a day.

7. Women love sex and want sex from me.

8. My intelligence, creativity and potential is infinite!

9. I am exceptionally social and outgoing.

10. I am completely focused, organised and use my time with the utmost efficiency.

11. Women are nurtures and pleaser's who want to nurture and please me.

12. I am an infinitely self-assured, confident, sexual and dominant male.

13. Everyday in every way I am better and better!!!

14. I have complete control over my life, mind and psychological state of being.

15. I am the greatest genius this world has ever seen.

16. I heal instantly!

17. I am successful, confident and achieve my goals. I exude infinite sex, power, confidence, happiness and self-love all the time.

18. I can be, do and have anything I want to in this world, my possibilities are endless!!!

19. I love myself! I am complete, fulfilled and completely happy!!!

20. I am growing more beautiful and luminous day by day.

21. Everybody loves me and all women want me! I make friends easily.

22. I access all the knowledge in the universe. I am the fastest reader in the world.

23. I am completely irresistible to women!

24. Regardless of how she is reacting to me she is getting aroused.

25. I see the underlying truth in all things.

26. I am an adventurer! I travel the world!

27. Regardless of how she is reacting to me I am the prize she is trying to win over!

28. I am a multi-millionaire and master seducer!

29. I love what I do and am richly rewarded, creatively and financially.

30. I have a perfect photographic memory! I recall everything easily.

31. Since she wants to have sex with me, the power is in my court to decide whether she lives up to my standards and expectations. I get to decide if we have sex.

32. I create my own reality!

33. Today I love my body fully, deeply and joyfully.

34. Today I open my mind to the endless opportunities surrounding me.

35. Prosperity surrounds me, prosperity fills me, prosperity flows to me and through me.

36. I have sex with super hot, confident, loving, caring and intelligent women with genius IQ's all the time!

37. I think positively every day, all the time.

38. I attract amazing people.

39. My body is now trained to burn fat and build muscle day by day.

40. I have a six pack of abdominal muscles.

41. I am filled with the light of love, peace, happiness, power, success and joy every day, all the time.

42. I am aggressive, direct and powerful with the women I desire. I radiate a confidence, self-control and charm that women find irresistibly attractive.

43. My mind is focused on what I desire and I go for it congruently and powerfully.

44. I take immediate advantage of my opportunities with women. I swiftly establish incredible rapport, gather the information I need, then close with aggression, power and finesse.

45. I radiate a natural, easy self-acceptance that women find irresistibly attractive.

46. I am mastering the responses, attitudes, behaviours, insights and timing that bring me irresistible power with the women I desire.

47. I am now approaching women that I am attracted to.

48. I am able to pick up and attract any women I desire.

49. I am a strong, powerful, aggressive, dominant, alpha male, leader and conqueror!!!

50. I am smooth, charming, interesting and fascinating!!!

51. I have a perfectly sculptured muscle ripped body.

52. I am super hot and sexy, all women want me!

53. Abundance is my natural state of being!

54. Money comes to me easily and continuously from multiple sources!

55. My IQ and intelligence increases daily rapidly!!!

56. I have clear beautiful skin!

57. All things are now working together for good in my life.

58. I rule the world! I am brilliant and perfect in every possible way!

59. I succeed in everything I do!

60. I have sex with one thousand super hot women!

61. I am now enjoying everything I do and feel happy just being alive.

62. Sex with super hot women comes to me easily and effortlessly.

63. I have the infinite creative power of God within me.

64. I am a Bad Boy, Player, Natural and Ladies Man!

65. I am a Sexy Beast! Everywhere I go women want to fuck me!

66. I have sex with supermodels daily.

67. Supermodels have an incredible desire to $#&% me wherever I go!

68. I attract whatever I desire.

69. I am the most desirable man in the world. I am God's gift to women.

70. Supermodels and incredibly hot women proactively, persistently and aggressively seek me out to $#&% me.

71. Beautiful women are extremely persistent with me for sex.

72. What I believe is reality. Women experience me as extremely intoxicating, exciting and addictive.

73. I am a catch and out of her league, any woman that's with me is very fortunate to have my attention.

74. Beautiful women are extremely attracted to me on a deeply subconscious level.

75. Women are perverted creatures who are always trying to $#&% me.

76. Every morning I wake up in bed with twenty supermodels.

77. I can $#&% any girl I want in any situation.

Attitude of the The Prize

You got to be a bit self-centered, a jerk and an asshole. The difference between nice guys and Alpha males: Nice guys place a woman on a pedestal, Alpha males place themselves on a pedestal. There are no secrets or mysteries, life is all around us. Just be Alpha and dominant. Chicks dig 50 Cent not Steve Urkel. Alpha males love themselves more than they ever could any woman on this planet. Always remember that you are more important than any woman on this planet regardless of how physically attractive she may be. You have high value and she has very low value. You are the Prize she is trying to win over. Perceive the world the same way Brad Pitt does, every high valued quality woman wants you but they're just not good enough. Every woman on the planet wants you so why settle for the first thing that comes along? Women are disposable and replaceable. The illusion that one woman differs from another is called love.

Always remember, she already wants you and wants to come home with you. Your attitude to a woman should always be: "You are infatuated with me.", "You are chasing after me.", "You are dying to $#&% me." She's the one chasing after you.

When I became self-centered, that's how I got good with women. Always talk down to hot women!

Behave around hot women and talk to them as though they have very low value. Perceive her as a fat ugly chick. Talk to her and carry yourself around her the same way you would to a fat ugly chick. You are a catch, she should be trying to win over your approval!

Women are like dogs, the the less you care about them the more they love you. Just an honest observation. Face reality! Stop pissing in the wind.

Attitude to women:

"I am a catch and out of your league."

"You are of complete insignificance to me."

" I can do better."

Attitude to the world:

"I don't need your $#&%ing approval."

"I don't need anyone to like me."

Think in Space-Time, this is a bit abstract. Think of future events(that you desire and have chosen to occur) as already happened using the past tense form of language in your mind. Example, when meeting a girl, the voice in your mind should be:

"We have $#&%ed a thousand times before."

You KNOW this has already happened in 4 dimensional Space-Time(the future). True belief is knowingness. KNOW your future, it has already happened. KNOW your reality. KNOW that you are one with the universe. KNOW that your thoughts are reality.

"I am God. I am the creator of my reality".

Know that there are only ever two steps to follow to figure out anything in life.

1. Ask yourself "What works?"

2. Become that!

Short Daily Mirror Affirmation List

Repeat out aloud in front of the mirror 3 times every morning and at night before you go to bed. Try it for two months or more.

1. I am a Sexy Beast! Everywhere I go women want to $#&% me.

2. Women are extremely persistent with me for sex.

3. I am infinitely in love with myself.

4. I am infinitely confident, powerful and happy.

5. Everybody loves me and all women want me.

6. I am a catch and out of her league.

7. My intelligence, creativity and potential is infinite.

8. I am God. I am brilliant and perfect in every possible way.

9. I can $#&% any girl in any situation.

10. I don't want anything from anyone, ever.

11. I am unattached to all possible outcomes.

12. I have infinite sexual abundance.

Beliefs of Naturals - Affirmations to Transform Your Core Beliefs to Seduce Any Woman
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