Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"Who Am I, What Do I Want?" 10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself - A Preparation to Self-Improvement

I honestly don't know how some people cope with some of the absolutely, horrifying and terrible things that happen, however, most of us are dealt with stuff that we can get over.

Now I don't want to be harsh by saying "Get over it!" - But "Get over it!".

Don't stop reading now! I do care and that's why I'm writing this article.

"Who Am I, What Do I Want?" 10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself - A Preparation to Self-Improvement

I know how hard it is to "Get over it!" But, on the road to Confidence and Self Improvement that's exactly what we need to learn to do.

You're here because you want to be a better person - right? You want inner peace and joy - right? You want others to love and like you - right? Then I have to tell you that the Road to Happiness starts from within. There's no magic pill, or product you can buy.

The great thing is that it only takes a little effort, a lot of introspection and the right tips and techniques to help transform you into that Confident, happy person you only dreamed you could be.

When we truly look into some of our everyday heartaches, pains and problems and we are truly honest with ourselves, wouldn't you say that what you have been through is fixable. Something you CAN and SHOULD get over. Especially if you want to have fabulous self esteem!

Now having said all that this leads to is the million dollar question - "How do I get over it?"

Well, don't worry, it's a lot easier than you think.

The very first thing you need to do is to "Be kind to yourself"! YOU are the most important person in the world. This is about YOU. Not me, not your co-worker, not your relative, not your partner - YOU! You really do need to love yourself first. But, how do you do that?

You know, the reason why I can write this article is because I've been where you are right now. So, I can tell you once I started being kind to myself I started to realise that I really didn't like myself at all. What a turning point. The more you look inside, the more you'll find. This is called introspection.

I'd like to talk to you more about this in a future article, but for now let's continue.

Below are 10 fundamental questions that I'd like you to ask yourself. Once you've asked yourself these questions decide if you want to continue with your self improvement program. Decide if you want to find more Confidence. Decide if you want to find inner happiness. Please answer each question honestly - knowing there is a way to achieve all you desire:-

1. Who am I?

You are a uniquely beautiful individual. Born into this life just the same as everyone else, the queen, the President of the USA, your Mother, Father, Co-worker, etc. You are just as important to this earth as they are. You are loved. You are valued. You are worthy. Even if you don't believe these last 3 yourself, believe that there are others who think you are. It could be your boss, your relative, your friend or even a stranger. I'm not a religious person but I do know that I am loved by God and that gives me comfort and strength in itself.

Be nice to yourself!

2. Am I happy at where I am today?

Everyone of us can find something in life that we are truly unfulfilled in. Some more than others. The point is we are all in the pursuit of happiness. Whether that be in a job, family, shopping, travel, etc. I mean isn't that what life is about - enjoying it. The truth is we can have all our hearts desires, travel, career, family, etc; and still feel unhappy. We need to find that inner happiness for true fulfillment.

3. What do I really want?

The question of all ages. We often find ourselves saying "I wish I could do that". "I wish I could earn more money". "I wish I could..............". Truly ask yourself the question "What do I really want". If you honestly believe you want more friends, then join a club. Too shy, make it an internet club. The key is to start taking baby steps. Once you start the ball will keep rolling. Then when you look back in 6 months time you'll be amazed at the improvement you've made to your life.

4. Should I really change?

Absolutely! Every human being on this planet should change to a certain degree. Even the person you most admire has something about themselves that they should change. None of us are perfect!

Remember, these questions are about you. My guess is that if you are reading this and searching for higher confidence and a better self esteem then you know yourself that you have parts of you that you want to change.

5. How much do I want to change?

You might say you would be just happy to be able to stop being depressed, or to be able to speak to people at social events with more confidence. The wonderful thing about Confidence building is that once you start, the ball just keeps on rolling. Happiness and inner joy breeds more happiness and inner joy. The more inner happiness, the more you trust yourself, the more you trust yourself and fear less the more confidence you have to speak to people. Start the ball rolling - you'll be amazed at how far you go.

6. What motivates me?

What motivates YOU? Again, we are all individuals. You may be searching for Confidence because you want to find a partner, but are too shy to go out. Or you want to progress your career. There are so many things that can make everyone happy - this is YOUR journey. You decide. Once you have decided write it down on a piece of paper and keep it somewhere where you can read it every day. Constantly reminding you of what you want to achieve.

7. Am I appealing to the opposite sex?

Even though I can not see you, I can still honestly say that if you are presenting yourself as a well groomed, confident individual you WILL be appealing to the opposite sex! Not all people. It's horses for courses. However, you will attract what you radiate. If you radiate shy, lacking in confidence, the message you are sending out to others is not to talk to you. Once you start gaining that confidence you so desire you will radiate. A smile, a hello, a friendly, confident person who is easy to talk with. People will start coming to you - Watch!

Indulge yourself in a modern haircut, start wearing a little make up, buy some new clothes. Ignore that little voice that tells you are not attractive. Tell yourself you are attractive, aim to be attractive by making these changes and you will evolve like a butterfly from a cocoon.

8. Am I happy in my career?

If you struggle to get to work on Monday's or any other day for that matter, have a good long look at your daily job. Ask yourself what job you would like if you could have any job in the world and earn money from it.

If it's not currently what you are employed to do look at doing some training in that field to get expertise. Or just plain get into what that desire is.

9. How do I see myself in 10 years time?

Do you have a vision of what kind of person you see yourself as in 10 years time. Does that vision match the person you are today? Or is that vision of a better person, a more successful person, a more confident person? Is there someone you know that you envy because they appear to have what you don't have? Guess what? You can have everything that person has? We are all born with the same opportunities in life. Some attain them more easily - Granted! But, that doesn't mean to say that we can't have them just as they do. Start to emulate them. Learn from them.

What do all the successful people you know have in common? Confidence and belief in themselves! They believed they could have what they have so they have it! You too can have it! You just need to believe in yourself.

What I'm saying here about "believing in yourself" is a book in itself. I so want to help you with the subject of "Believing in yourself". But, forgive me, I haven't written an article on that one yet. But, I will, I promise. And I hope you read it.

10. Where do I go from here?

So? Where do I go from here? You could do nothing and continue living with your frustrations and limitations. Or you could start an incredible journey into self!

Remember, I said this is about YOU! That wonderful, untapped, fabulous YOU! That powerfully, positive, glowing person inside just waiting to burst free and claim all the happiness that life has to offer.

OK, OK, I seem a little carried away. But, that's because I know of that happiness and how to get it.

But, truly even if you only have mediocre dreams, that's OK too, because once you start your journey - the ball will keep rolling.

To take no action at all - well that's not an option? Until we truly look inside we will never find true happiness.


Do you see where I'm going with this?

These 10 questions are designed to get you thinking. To help you realise that there is so much that can be gained by changing who we are and how we see ourselves.

This article merely touches on the area of self improvement and confidence building, but, as I mentioned before, with just a little effort, a lot of introspection and the right tips and techniques you CAN learn the secrets of how transform yourself into that Confident, happy person you only dreamed you could be.

I hope this article excites and encourages you to continue your journey to a fabulous self esteem.

"Who Am I, What Do I Want?" 10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself - A Preparation to Self-Improvement
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