Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Subliminal Messages With Positive Affirmations For Self Improvement

Using subliminal messages with positive affirmations has gained popularity in the last several years as a way of changing many areas of your life.

Affirmations began as positive declarations people recited to themselves repetitively on a daily basis. It is believed that these spoken words should be recited as you face yourself in a mirror. However, it was discovered at some point, that delivering these affirmations in a subliminal manner might work just as well, if not better, than the original way.

There is not an area of your life that cannot use the power of subliminal affirmations. These areas can include weight loss, trying to stop smoking, building up your self confidence, or any other area you may feel needs improvement.

Subliminal Messages With Positive Affirmations For Self Improvement

Many experts have created MP3 downloads, tapes or cds which contain positive affirmations of specific kinds. The experts usually write them and hire someone else, preferably someone with a soothing voice, to record them.

Once the subliminal messaging recordings are packaged, they are offered for sale through various venues. The prices can range from .99 and up. Some of them will include written material intended for use with the tape or cd. These professionally produced subliminal affirmations can be an excellent addition to your self help library.

However, not everyone can afford or wants to pay for something like this. For those of you who fall into this category, there is good news. You don't have to pay for them. All over the internet you can find affirmations for different problems. If you search, you may find just the set for your particular need.

Another option is to just write them yourself. After all, who better to know what you need to hear in order to "fix" things but you? Once you have completed one of these two methods, simply record them. There are various recording options available today, especially online.

Depending on the area or your life you wish to improve, you can use subliminal affirmations such as "I am a very loving person and I deserve love," or "I am a healthy person who is just the right weight." You get the idea.

It is not difficult to put a set positive affirmations together. The important thing to remember is to keep an open mind. Do not let any doubt creep in that this may just be a lot of hocus pocus. If you believe that, it will be a waste of time and effort to even try.

However, if you believe in the power of thinking positively, subliminal affirmations is definitely something you should try. You have nothing to lose except maybe some bad habits.

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By Michelle Dixon, Copyright 2008. Ms. Dixon writes on a variety of topics including self improvement. If you desire indepth information and resources on Subliminal Messages for Success & More, then you may wish to visit her blog at http://www.SubliminalDirect.com

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Affirmations - The Most Empowering Statement You Can Use

It's a refreshing sign that so many people are willing to do whatever it takes to improve their lives. Of all the tools available to do so, one of the most popular is the use of affirmations.

They're easy to do and they can help you overcome many obstacles to reaching your goal. Salespeople use them to eliminate their fear of asking for the order. Health conscious people use them to help change their eating habits.

Affirmations can work, but they can also work against you if you're not using them properly.

Affirmations - The Most Empowering Statement You Can Use

You can find a lot of helpful tips and advice on how to use affirmations. Some of the more common guidelines are to be specific and to word them in the positive.

All of this advice is good, but it overlooks one very important fact. It's not the words that you are affirming. In all reality, the words you're using matter very little.

It's crucial to realize that affirmations only work because of the mental pictures they arouse in your mind, and the feelings you get when saying them. If you don't feel good about the picture, you'll get the opposite of what you want.

For example, you decide on an affirmation to start eating healthier so you can lose weight. As you repeat your chosen statement over and over again, a picture forms.

You start to see yourself getting leaner and looking good. You begin to feel excited. But wait... Soon you notice a slight nervous feeling in your stomach. Life is no fun without all those wonderful foods you enjoy so much. You'll have to give them up.

And just think of all the sweating and suffering you're going to endure in your exercise program. Perhaps you remember the last time you tried to achieve your ideal weight and you couldn't. Maybe it's just not in the cards for you.

All the while, you keep repeating your "positive" affirmation as all of these thoughts and emotions run under the surface of your conscious awareness.

Does this scenario seem eerily familiar to you? If so, take heart. There is one affirmation that can quickly put you in a serene, powerful state.

It's a statement where no negative picture or emotion can arise. If you feel upset, discouraged or angry when you start, this affirmation will clear it away and leave you feeling content and powerful.

Simply say "I love you" over and over again. It's the world's best affirmation. While you're doing it, think of someone you love deeply and unconditionally, like a newborn baby or even a pet.

Soon, you'll vibrate with good, clean energy, and when you do, you'll be able to carry on with any other improvement you want to make in your life.

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You really can attract what you want most - love, prosperity, happiness, confidence - when you harness the full power of your Subconscious. Isn't it about time you went beyond affirmations, law of attraction or visualization and found a way to program your mind that really works? Visit http://www.howtovisualize.net today and get your Free Report "Activating Your Subconscious Power."

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

25 Ways to Calm My Nerves

1. Take a 10-minute walk. This will help your body to relax and let off energy that may be leading to your anxiety.

2. Listen to some music or a relaxation CD. This will help distract you from thinking about your current stressors.

3. Stop obsessive thoughts. Keep busy as much as possible outside your home is even better to avoid getting bored.

25 Ways to Calm My Nerves

4. Stop talking about your past. If you must, seek counseling for professional help. Soon after try to move on with your life and leave your past behind.

5. Breathe slowly. This will help you to relieve some of the tension you are experiencing within minutes.

6. Count to ten. This technique can help you to maintain focused and avoid saying or engaging into inappropriate behaviors you would later regret.

7. Use positive affirmations. Talking to yourself is always a useful self-care tool one can depend on anytime you want to avoid a nervous break down or losing control over your feelings.

8. Be gentle with yourself. Avoid putting yourself down or being negative, as this will only stress you out more.

9. Sleep or take a nap. Rest is important when it comes to taking care of one's body. When you get tired you become irritable and stressed, which may lead to health problems.

10. Talk to a friend or family. Sharing one's stressors with people you can trust helps to relieve tension and may lead to you finding a solution.

11. Avoid caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and may lead to increased anxiety.

12. Get a body massage-This is good for muscle tension. Your muscles may be tensed which leads to more stress.

13. Time management- Prioritize and use your time wisely. Do what you can with the time you have in the order of importance and continue when you can.

14. Avoid being in a rush. It is a bad habit that can lead one to have anxiety problems in the future. It is also an unnecessary stressor one can avoid.

15. Stop working so hard. You should always try to balance out your life when it comes to your family and work. Too much work can lead to serious health problems and not enough personal time can lead to relationship problems and severe emotional problems including anxiety and depression.

16. Ask for assistance. It can be helpful to receive support and/or get advice from family and friends during a difficult and stressful time.

17. Do something fun. Fun is always good for stress and life in general.

18. Live today and plan for tomorrow. Take it one day at a time to avoid overloading yourself with too many worries and /or planning that can wait for another day.

19. Write in a journal. Share what's on your mind and the feelings you may have to help get them off your chest.

20. Laugh or smile more. This is a relaxing thing to do and helps one to maintain a good mood and positive attitude. Watch a funny show, movie or go to a comedy club near you.

21. Choose your battles wisely. Learn to ignore or let go of the small stuff. (e.g. losing money, items, forgetting things, problematic people etc.) If it is not worth your time and can be ignored, do it and do not look back.

22. Clean your house. Cleaning and organization can be very good for stress and comfort. It will also help you to keep busy and keep up with your home.

23. Be optimistic. Stop being negative, as this is very stressful thing to do to oneself all day, everyday.

24. Stop trying to be perfect. Nothing ever is nor will it be. This only provides false expectations, which lead to one becoming overly stressed over certain situations.

25. Stop trying to always be in control. Learn to relax and do what you can. Being able to accept what one can and cannot control is not easy but also helpful when dealing with everyday stressors. This is also an example of one choosing their battles.

Written by: Tamara A. Monell, LMHC
Date: 11-06-07

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Nerve Injuries & Nerve Damage Treatment: Energy Healing for Restoring Nerves & Peripheal Neuropathy

Nerve Injuries & Nerve damage Treatment: Energy Healing for Restoring Nerve Disease, Nerve Disorders & Peripheral Neuropathy

Whether you have a pinched or severed nerve, sciatica, peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy symptoms, stroke or brain damage, a nerve injury creating paralysis, or any loss of physical sensation or movement, nerve damage is an annoying and dehabilitating chronic condition that can benefit from energy healing.

Dr Robert Becker in his book "the Body Electric" was a pioneer in discovering that electromagnet impulses could regenerate neural pathways and restore nerve function. Directed electromagnetic impulses can re establish muscular movement through electrical current stimulation. According to CBC News, "The functional electrical stimulation rowing machine, developed by researchers in Edmonton and England, helps people with disabilities (paraplegics and others) enjoy the benefits of regular exercise." Christopher Reeves used electrical muscle stimulation on his legs to prevent atrophy and within his diaphragm to encourage breathing movement and maintain lung function. Even the acute pain exacerbated by nerve injury is relieved with focused electrical impulses. TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machines deliver small electrical pulses to the body via electrodes and has widespread clinical use for pain relief from nerve damage.

Nerve Injuries & Nerve Damage Treatment: Energy Healing for Restoring Nerves & Peripheal Neuropathy

Energy Healing is a form of electromagnetic stimulation. According to James L Oschman, "Healing energy, whether produced by a medical device or projected from the human body, is energy of a particular frequency or set of frequencies that stimulates the repair of one or more tissues." Energy healing directed by a healer focuses electromagnetic energy stimulation into the energy field and physical body of the client. This transfer of directed electromagnetic frequency stimulation affects the clients cellular molecular system and the "cascade of activities initiated by such signals may provide essential information to cells and tissues, and open channels for the flow of information that coordinates repair processes and for restoring normal function after trauma." Energy Healing is non-invasive and there are no clinically documented adverse events in existing literature.

The table below, demonstrating the electromagnetic frequency used for restoration is taken from Sisken & Walker in 1995.

Table 1

Healing effects of specific frequencies (frequency windows of specificity)

Frequency Effects
2 Hz Nerve regeneration, neurite outgrowth from cultured ganglia
7 Hz Bone growth
10 Hz Ligament healing
15, 20, 72 Hz Decreased skin necrosis, stimulation of capillary formation & fibroblast proliferation
25 and 50 Hz Synergistic effects with nerve growth factor

Today medical research has confirmed that the application of directed therapeutic electromagnetic energy fields 'can convert a stalled healing process into active repair, even in patients unhealed for as long as 40 years' (Bassett 1995). The mechanism by which 'active repair' is initiated probably involves both activation of specific cellular activities and the opening of the channels or circuitry for the natural biological communications required for initiating and coordinating injury repair through the focused electrical impulse stimulation inherent in energy healing. The independent case study research data: INTENSIVE HEALING FOCUS: Paralyzed dog's spinal cord nerves, discs and vertebra regenerated published in Dr. Daniel Benor's The International Journal of Healing and Caring illustrates the benefits of healing energy in traumatic nerve injury.

As a medical intuitive and distance energy healer, research continuously confirms the evidence based healing abilities of electromagnetic impulse energy healing.
Traditional procedures and treatments will eventually merge with what we now call alternative medicine, to become the " integrative medicine" of the future. At that time, each client will derive a greater benefit from all healing modalities that are available to them.

Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.

Contact Information:

Brent Atwater, Alternative Medical Specialist

Medical Intuitive, Distance Energy Healing

ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA

NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA

Website: http://www.brentatwater.com

Email: mailto:Brent@BrentAtwater.com

Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Brent works in Alternative & Integrative Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, and her personal energy healing work, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or trained health care professional concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs. As in traditional medicine, there are no guarantees with medical intuition or energy work.

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Brent Atwater: Medical Intuitive, Distant Healing: An alternative & integrative medical specialist (CAM), Brent's international evidence based Medical Intuitive & Distance Energy Healing work is published and has been studied by & or documented at Duke, the ARE, & for animals by the NCSU's Vet school. She participates in research & Clinical trials. ARTIST: An artist 30+yrs, Brent is a pioneer in healing art by scientifically documenting Paintings that Heal™. Her art was featured on "PBS". At 16, NC Museum of Art chose her painting for the permanent collection. She founded Just Plain Love™ Charitable Trust to benefit children. AUTHOR: Just Plain Love™ Children's Healing Books. The books are translated into plays performed in children's healthcare facilities turning illness negatives into positives. "Cancer Kids, God's Special Children". "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations, & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges", & "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions to Help Survive Your Cancer Experience". Brent attended Wake Forest Law School and is a minister.

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