Friday, November 30, 2012

Commit to the Lord Whatever You Do and Your Plans Will Succeed

The headline is a direct quote from the NIV version of the Bible. The King James version in Proverbs 16:3 says, Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. To get a greater appreciation of what is being said here let's break the scripture down by exploring all of the possible meanings for each word.

Other ways the words have been used in the Bible are...

Works: Deeds, things that need to be done, acts, labour, business, pursuits, undertakings, enterprise, achievements.

Commit to the Lord Whatever You Do and Your Plans Will Succeed

Thoughts: Plans, purposes, inventions, imaginations, device.

Established: Prepared, ready, provided, fixed, set up, directed, fashioned, ordered, certain.

The word commit is a strange one meaning: to roll, roll away, roll down, roll together. To me that could mean to amalgamate or merge your undertakings with the Lord - as in roll together or to simple just hand them over to Lord - as in roll away. Either way, if we want to succeed in our undertakings we need to first of all commit them to the Lord.

It is interesting to see the power of thought. It is from our thoughts that things eventually come to pass. Our intentions, our plans and purposes, the things that we might want to invent or create the things we imagine and devise all start in our thoughts. Any reality that comes to pass first must begin within our mind, so it is vitally important we are of a sound mind. The New Testament says that when we receive the Holy Spirit we receive the spirit of a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7) We are also encouraged in Rom 8:6 to be spiritually minded and that with that sort of thinking we will have life and peace.

So if we want to achieve something, we simply commit it to the Lord and he will establish it. This is an amazing statement when you read what establish means. God will prepare it for us, make it ready, provide it, fix it, set it up, direct us towards achieving the goal, fashion things so it gets done, order it and make it certain.

Wow! I guess you could sum it all up in the words of Jesus in Matthew 21:22 when he said, And all things, whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Commit to the Lord Whatever You Do and Your Plans Will Succeed
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