Friday, November 30, 2012

Commit to the Lord Whatever You Do and Your Plans Will Succeed

The headline is a direct quote from the NIV version of the Bible. The King James version in Proverbs 16:3 says, Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. To get a greater appreciation of what is being said here let's break the scripture down by exploring all of the possible meanings for each word.

Other ways the words have been used in the Bible are...

Works: Deeds, things that need to be done, acts, labour, business, pursuits, undertakings, enterprise, achievements.

Commit to the Lord Whatever You Do and Your Plans Will Succeed

Thoughts: Plans, purposes, inventions, imaginations, device.

Established: Prepared, ready, provided, fixed, set up, directed, fashioned, ordered, certain.

The word commit is a strange one meaning: to roll, roll away, roll down, roll together. To me that could mean to amalgamate or merge your undertakings with the Lord - as in roll together or to simple just hand them over to Lord - as in roll away. Either way, if we want to succeed in our undertakings we need to first of all commit them to the Lord.

It is interesting to see the power of thought. It is from our thoughts that things eventually come to pass. Our intentions, our plans and purposes, the things that we might want to invent or create the things we imagine and devise all start in our thoughts. Any reality that comes to pass first must begin within our mind, so it is vitally important we are of a sound mind. The New Testament says that when we receive the Holy Spirit we receive the spirit of a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7) We are also encouraged in Rom 8:6 to be spiritually minded and that with that sort of thinking we will have life and peace.

So if we want to achieve something, we simply commit it to the Lord and he will establish it. This is an amazing statement when you read what establish means. God will prepare it for us, make it ready, provide it, fix it, set it up, direct us towards achieving the goal, fashion things so it gets done, order it and make it certain.

Wow! I guess you could sum it all up in the words of Jesus in Matthew 21:22 when he said, And all things, whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

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Improve your life starting today by visiting Allan's site to discover an exciting and fun way to transform your mind into a spiritually thinking machine using the power of Christian affirmations or visit Allan's blog at Scriptural Thinking to read more articles like this one.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Dating For The 40+ Gay Man: 7 Steps To Success

Dating can be hard enough at times, but the situation can be made that much more challenging for those single gay men who represent the age 40 and up crowd. In a society where youth and beauty are highly valued, many middle-aged men report feeling segregated and unappreciated in dating pools, making it difficult to meet and sustain relationships with potential dating prospects. The problem can seem even more compounded in the gay community in which the emphasis on youth and brawn is amplified, causing many mature gay men to feel undesirable and like outsiders within gay circles. They feel unwanted and that their age hinders them and limits the pool of men available to them for dating, particularly when they report being rejected by men in their own cohort for younger guys. Ageism, or discrimination against someone because of his age, plagues many different layers of our culture--and it also can and does rear its ugly head in the gay dating world. This "over-the-hill" mentality is very damaging, robbing us of the opportunity to really experience life, take risks toward goals, and make the most of what we have (if we let it!). This case is illustrated in the comment of a former 29-year old client: "I turn 30 later this year and then I officially am old! I'll never have a boyfriend now! I feel like my life is over and it's all downhill from here on out!"

It is hoped that this article will prove all that wrong and provide you with some tips for maximizing your midlife dating success! While the reality is that ageism does exist and there are obstacles in the dating jungle (at any age), these hurdles do not have to dictate the outcome of your love-life. In actuality, your stage-of-life puts you in an advantageous position to conquer this adversity. With your life experience and history, you probably have a greater repertoire of coping skills, resiliency, sense of self, assertiveness, self-esteem, and an expansive support system and resources. This will take you far and makes you a very good catch!

So let's push aside those fears that you won't be able to attract someone after you reach a certain age. Let's destroy that stereotype that all older gay men are unhappy, lonely, and camp out at the local strip bar every night "trolling." It's nonsense! YOU make your life what you want it to be and "you're only as old as you feel", as the "old" saying goes. Midlife is sexy! And here are seven tips to help boost your dating success as a 40+ single gay man to enhance your readiness for a relationship!

Dating For The 40+ Gay Man: 7 Steps To Success


No matter what your age, this is the most critical first step. It's very important that you take the time to develop a clear and vivid image of who you are and what you want out of your life, including your dating life. Are you seeking a long-term relationship and a life partner or just casual dating? What does the rest of your life look like? What would your ideal partner be like and how would your relationship function? Your answers to such questions will help give you the direction you need to accomplish your goals, giving you a measuring stick to keep you on track and assess your status. How much of a gap exists between your idealized vision and your current reality? Do the work that's needed to bridge that gap and begin the process of identifying your needs, differentiating between those that are negotiable and non-negotiable so you can more adequately screen future dating partners for their suitability with your vision.


Erik Erickson is best known in the psychology field as having developed eight stages of psychosocial human development that we all pass through as we age through the lifespan. Every age group has its own unique challenges and developmental tasks to conquer before being able to successfully move on to the next stage. According to this theory, such hallmarks that exist for the middle-aged man include nurturing close relationships, career management, household maintenance, creativity, and commitment to family and the community. Having a sense of purpose and passion and being able to impact the world with one's talents is a central feature. For more information on this theory, visit's_stages_of_psychosocial_development . As gay men, many of our developmental tasks were skipped or neglected because of our retreat to "the closet" in coping with the homophobic society we live in. Successful integration of your gay identity into your sense of self allows you to then address those developmental tasks that were suspended until you were ready. So the next step for you is explore any developmental tasks that still require mastery from earlier years and start working at them. For example, a middle-aged man who comes out later in life will likely experience the adolescent tasks of exploring his sexuality and practicing man-to-man relationship skills, causing him to feel like a teenager again. Perfectly normal in gay male development, no matter what your age!

And then the next step for your success is to discover something that you can do that will give you a sense of meaning and purpose and begin to express that. Find your calling and live it out. This will be your legacy of sorts and is a great way to solidify your identity. This will help anchor you during your dating trials and can be one of the top ways of meeting a compatible partner. Your passion and "zest for life" will be magnetic and you'll likely be meeting others with similar interests and philosophies in the venues you pursue.

The illustrious "midlife crisis" strikes those men who experience anxiety and apprehension at realizing they've lived half their lives and begin to question and contemplate what they've accomplished in their lives thus far, fearing that not much time is left to live their visions. Midlife is the perfect time to revisit your original vision and tweak it so it more accurately reflects who you are now and the man you'd still like to become. Reframe this time in your life as a time for growth and opportunity, not something to be abhorred. You have control over shaping your life into something spectacular and fulfilling!


What we say to ourselves impacts our mood and behavior. The "monster in your head" is that little voice that whispers (and sometimes screams) negative statements about yourself and the world around you. Our internal dialogue impacts whether we look at life through a lens of optimism and hope versus pessimism and negativity. Examine your self-talk as it pertains to being middle-aged and your views on dating and gay men. Create a list of all the thoughts that come to mind about these topics unedited. If you have such thoughts as "I'm too old to find love", "All the good ones are taken", "I'm going to be all alone", or "Nobody will find me attractive, I'm 50!" then your monster needs an ass-kicking. Don't fall into the trap of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Begin creating a list of counter-statements or affirmations that will defeat this negative thinking. The more you believe these myths about midlife dating, the more you are setting yourself up for sabotage and it's important to begin challenging these beliefs by taking stock of true-life success stories or by taking risks and creating your own triumphant victory. Refuse to be held victim to such deprecating thoughts and start developing a mindset around midlife as a positive time in your life to enjoy the fruits of your labor.


There's no point becoming preoccupied with your youth "in the days gone by." You're as young as you feel and resisting the fact that life changes will only keep you arrested in your development and is a recipe for unhappiness and regret. Learn to accept all the physical and emotional changes that accompany midlife and be proud of who you are and your story. Do your best to reduce ageism and ensure that you yourself are not behaving in ways that perpetuate this type of discrimination. For example, if you utilize personal ads as a venue for seeking dating partners, make sure you are honest about all aspects of yourself and don't fudge on your age. This will increase your odds of attracting more compatible people responding to your ad; remember, it's quality and not the quantity of your responses.


Where do you meet other quality guys?! No matter what your age, this is one of the most common questions surrounding dating and it all boils down to your vision and values. While picking up other men in bars could be a viable approach, it's a difficult setting to do so because there are so many guys to have to sift through and screen to determine their suitability with your vision for a life partner. The key is to match your values, needs, preferences, and life purpose with a venue that has some of these qualities and characteristics. This way, you're surrounded by other men who share at least some semblance of your vision; that makes you one step closer to possibly finding someone who'd be a "good fit." Examples might be volunteering for a worthy cause or advocacy center, joining a support group, participating in a sporting club, becoming active in a gay-friendly church, signing on to a personal ads site that caters to the middle-aged crowd, etc. The possibilities are endless, but self-knowledge about your vision and passions is a critical key to its success.


Nothing helps you through the trials and tribulations of dating better than a solid support system of friends and people who care about you. Invest in current and new relationships with friends and family to give you that boost and sense of connection that we all need. Make sure to look for other midlife gay men who display positive dating lifestyles or older gay couples who can be looked upon as role models to keep them visible in your mind and to help motivate you to see the possibilities that abound. You could even become a mentor yourself to a younger gay man to "give back" in some way and form other positive alliances.


Dating is not a passive activity. You must be proactive and go after what you want or the likelihood of success is minimized. Develop a strong resource bank of dating skills and behaviors that will promote the chances of more positive outcomes. Strengthen your social skills, build more assertiveness and comfort with boundaries, enhance your self-esteem and body image, resolve unfinished business from the past, and get yourself into good physical and emotional shape. Get yourself armed and ready for love!


Gay dating success can be yours in midlife, and at any age! By incorporating these seven steps into your dating plan, you're well on your way to increasing the odds of success. Know yourself, develop a positive and optimistic mindset, build your repertoire of dating skills and behaviors, and live your life to the fullest! This can be the best time of your life; don't waste another minute!

For more information on gay midlife and dating, here are a few resources that might be of interest.

· For more elaboration on the concepts of vision, dating venues, and dating skills: "Conscious Dating: Finding The Love of Your Life In Today's World" by David Steele. Campbell, CA: RCN Press. 2006.

· Literature on managing issues related to the gay midlife: "Golden Men: The Power of Gay Midlife" by Harold Kooden, PhD & Charles Flowers. New York, NY: Avon Books. 2000.

· -and- []

Disclaimer: The Gay Love Coach does not represent or endorse the quality of any products, information, or materials displayed, purchased, or obtained by you as a result of its mention in this newsletter. It's common sense to do your own due diligence before purchasing a product.

©2007 Brian L. Rzepczynski

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEBSITE? This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this resource box are included:

Brian Rzepczynski, Certified Personal Life Coach, is The Gay Love Coach: "I work with gay men who are ready to create a road map that will lead them to find and build a lasting partnership with Mr. Right." To sign up for the FREE Gay Love Coach Newsletter filled with dating and relationship tips and skills for gay singles and couples, as well as to check out current coaching groups, programs, and teleclasses, please visit

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Brian Rzepczynski holds a master's degree in Social Work from Western Michigan University and is also a Certified Personal Life Coach through The Coach Training Alliance. He launched his private coaching practice, The Gay Love Coach: Man 4 Man Coaching Services (, in 2003 and works with gay men, both singles and couples, on developing skills for improving their dating lives and relationships. He publishes a free monthly ezine called "The Man 4 Man Plan" that has helpful articles, tips, resources, and an advice column relating to gay relationships and dating. He is also the co-author of the 2005 self-help book "A Guide to Getting It: Purpose & Passion."

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Does Learning by "Osmosis" Really Work?

What do I mean by learning by "osmosis?" Osmosis is really a scientific term relating to the flow of fluids through a semi-permeable membrane. With respect to learning, it means a gradual, often unconscious process of assimilation. The term has been applied to "sleep learning," but I'm using it in a broader sense here to refer to "unconscious learning."

When we first learn how to speak, we learn from being around other people and simply picking it up by repetition--by osmosis--from people who already know how to speak. Most of us do not have to go to school to learn our native language. We simply pick it up because it is all around us. It doesn't matter what the language is: English, French, Chinese...if it is what everyone else is speaking, we automatically pick up the basics when we are children.

The same is true about other things in our environment. It's often how effective marketing campaigns are created. Companies will find celebrity opinion leaders and pay them to use their products. A classic example: Tiger Woods. You almost never see a picture of him without his Nike hat or shirt. Their logo is all over his equipment. Nike has paid Tiger, millions of dollars for his "endorsement" of their products.

Does Learning by "Osmosis" Really Work?

Companies will also pay a hefty fee to have their products used by characters in a movie. Why? Because that will plant a subconscious suggestion in the minds of a certain percentage of people to want their product. A blatant example? When James Bond traded in his Astin Martin for the BMW convertible.

Have you ever been walking down the street only to find a song playing in your head? In this case, a song that you didn't purchase, but one that happened to be playing in a store you were recently in. Or that you happened to hear on the radio or a television show or in a move. That "afterglow" is an example of the type of "osmosis" I'm referring to.

How does this apply to the use of Power Affirmation recordings? The application here is to find various ways to add positive thought to your every day environment. For example, you can do that by listening to various audio self-help books, putting up posters of positive statements, or by listening to Power Affirmation recordings. I like to let the recordings play in the background while I'm doing other things. Often, I'm not even paying full attention--it's just "white noise" in the background. This is different from "subliminal learning" because the words can be clearly heard. I find that by doing this consistently, the Power Affirmations positively influence my thoughts so that the ideas are automatically there when I need them.

This is just one example of how I use my Power Affirmation recordings. There are also times when I actively participate in the affirmation. The point is, there are multiple ways to use them. The more you listen (even when you are not really paying close attention), the more they will help you. The more good "stuff" you put in, the more good "stuff" will come out.

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Copyright (c) 2006 Bill Marshall - All rights reserved. Feel free to republish this article with copyright and link information included.

For practical self-improvement tips, visit Get my new free e-book, "Power Affirmations: Power Positive Conditioning for Your Subconscious Mind." Also check out the Power Affirmations Podcast on iTunes. Just search podcasts for "power affirmations." If you intend to do it, do it now!

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Role of Women in Beowulf - An Overview

Their names are lost to the ancient depths of history, their stories muted by the centuries, but the women portrayed in the Old English Epic Beowulf were critical to any understanding of both the poem and the culture of that ancient time.

The pattern was this. Men's affairs were prefaced by a narrator, then articulated through all manner of poetic and narrative conventions, until the deed that was prophesied was played out to the last. Then, when the matter was put to rest, and men gathered in their mead hall for celebration and reward, the women emerged for a number of reasons.

First was to fulfill a crucial role of recognizing the bravery of their men, and to perform the ritualistic passing of the mead cup among those same battle weary troops. This served the purpose of nurturing the men's bodies and souls, a distinctly female role. But the act of service did more than satisfy thirsts and empty bellies; the service was highly ritualistic, bestowing recognition on specific thanes, or men who had distinguished themselves in battle, then on to the next in the order of distinction, and so on, until the order was observed. Additionally, women served the men in order to fulfill their fundamental role of peace-weavers. The mead cup was served in order to mark the allegiance of each man in his turn to the king, whose mead hall they occupied.

The Role of Women in Beowulf - An Overview

Also, their appearance in every post-battle section of Beowulf--following the slaying of Grendel, after Grendel's mother was killed, and after Beowulf was himself slain, and the dragon was dead, further amplifies the peace-keeping, peace-weaving role of women. Indeed, following the battle at Fittsburh, Hildeburh's grief was compounded because, not only had she lost a son, husband and father in one day, she had lost herself. She'd failed, in other words, in her social role of peace-keeper.

Maintaining and preserving peace wasn't just a role for women; it was their very identity. Another role for women was that of transition figure. Grendel's mother is a prime example of this: She avenges her son's death; she is in turn killed in the depths of a mere, foreshadowing Beowulf's descent into a sort of middle-earth to find and kill a dragon near the end of the tale.

The women in Beowulf further fulfilled their peace-weaving function by arranging marriages between potentially warring clans. As did Lady Capulet in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, and like Helen of Troy, women were not only the arrangers for politically astute couplings, they were also the chattel involved in those couplings. Thus they knew better than men the implications of a union destined for failure.

In Beowulf, women were assigned the power of prophesy. Hrothgar alludes to this when Wealtheow, the old king's 'bed-companion', having done her ritualistic distribution of mead, takes her seat at the exalted side of his throne. It's also possible that, in serving the mead, women controlled one of the only facets of their lives in that warlike society, the power over mens' sobriety and wits.

They also played power politics on occasion. Queen Wealtheow rewarded Beowulf handsomely on his return from slaying Grendel. But she placed an addendum on her praise, saying that Beowulf would do well to take care of her sons until one of them could attain the throne of the Danes. As females are often depicted, then, Wealtheow was caring for her offspring, anticipating their struggle to overcome the rugged and warlike machinations of men in that age.

In Beowulf, specifically, women are given something of a starring role in the explication of the ruling Germanic code of the time. The example is Grendel's mother. Nameless, she's depicted as a savage woman, an evil beast, just like her son Grendel. But in avenging her son's death, she demonstrates the code of honor better than any of the men. Where Grendel had slain countless men of Hrothgar's Heorot cohort, Grendel's mother killed only one, the counselor Aeschene. And her act of vengeance was all the more intriguing inside the code, since she had no access to the commonly understood 'weregild', or man price that rightly belonged to her after Grendel was slain. Instead, Beowulf sought her out, in her own 'mere' home, and killed her.

The only flaw in Grendel's mother's observance of the code was in fleeing Heorot for her life, instead of staying and battling the men there. The Germanic code demanded that women display both elements of humanity, the compassionate and the warlike. Thus, when she fled, she betrayed the militaristic side of the code that demanded she stand her ground.

But perhaps the biggest role of women in Beowulf was that of prophetess. Wealtheow seems to be prescient in her admonition to Beowulf in protecting her sons. She warns him of dire consequences should they come to harm, thus recognizing the dangers that lie in wait for all their kind, if their warlike attitude persists. Again, following Beowulf's demise, 'a Geatish woman', name unknown, appears--again, after the battle--to warn the Geats that, because Beowulf their lord lies slain, they have much to fear from former enemies.

Women play an important role in Beowulf. Despite their background presence, and a dearth of lines for them in the epic, their words and actions serve the overall purpose of the poem, its concentration on variation and opposition. They are there after the battles, interrupting the celebrations with sobering words; they strive to uphold the ancient warrior code, sometimes better than the men do; they do their duty, which is one of the salient features of that code. And they provide, in addition to offspring for the nobles, a mirror for them in which to check their own successes and failures.

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Byron & Mariah Edgington are the owners and creators of Caffection, LLC dba Caffection, a marriage enrichment resource. offers couples a portal for daily quotes, weekly affirmations, a monthly e-newsletter, exclusive gift items, seasonal and remembrance items, several interactive pages and entry to a newly identified, exclusive club of married best friends. Many articles related to modern marriage can be found on the website. Caffection also promotes marriage equality.
The author is also an avid reader and reviewer of every genre of book in English, modern and ancient.


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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Spiritual Cleanse For The Heart, Mind, and Soul

Often times when we don't feel well, we cleanse the body for physical health to prevent surgery, feel good, look younger, and live longer. What about our spiritual health? Did you know that if we cleanse the mind of unwanted toxins our physical health would also improve?

Spiritual cleansing is excellent therapy for negative and destructive emotions, depression, sadness, drug and alcohol addiction, and all other addictions that have to do with the mind and attitude.

Rejuvenate the mind everyday with the positive affirmations of prayer. How can prayer help? The influence of prayer actually gives us the hope, faith, and encouragement that our negative feelings have taken from our heart and mind.

Spiritual Cleanse For The Heart, Mind, and Soul

Every day we are literally plagued with negative garbage, listening to and looking at it, to behaving in destructive ways that upset the equilibrium of our minds.

Have you ever thought that maybe it is all the harmful garbage in the world that brings on depression, addiction, and bad feelings? If we are under control of addiction or depression how can we ever recognize the spiritual person within us? I know first hand that addiction keeps us far from God. So then how do we not know that all we need is a spiritual cleanse to free us from the grips of what is controlling us?

In other words, is it really a chemical imbalance in the brain, like doctors want us to believe that makes some people depressed or addicted to a substance? And if it is a chemical imbalance, could it have something to do with lifestyle/environment -- whether it's through what a person eats and drinks or other contaminates that are entering their system?

CEO's and business owners use affirmations in their corporations to keep the salesmen positive and optimistic. It is a well-known fact that positive minds sell more products. So then why couldn't a positive mind learn to forgive and love completely too?

Every day prayer not only lets God know that we are genuinely seeking his spiritual counsel but also makes us feel better about who we are, even when we are battling with an addiction or just plain old negative feelings.

Applying prayer into our life is the first step to overcoming the negative aspects of our character and supercharging the positive aspects within us.

The first thing we need to do is to humble our selves to prayer. We need to remember that we are praying for a reason, a purpose, not necessarily to get what we want but to get closer to God and become more spiritually aware. How should we pray?

We can pray anytime of the day and anywhere. We do not have to be in Church and we do not have to let others hear our personal prayers to God. We are in control of how, when and what we pray. Prayer begins in the mind and ends in the heart. We can pray silently and God hears us.

Prayer involves humbleness and humility. It entails that we trust that God is listening to us as we pray and that our prayers we'll get answered. Prayers may not get answered in the way you want. Many times prayers are answered in the way that God knows is best for you, not what you think is best for you. Prayer involves talking to God through our prayers, bible study, and recognizing God as your source.

I have put together a one month spiritual cleanse that will help bring you closer to God, your loved ones, and your self using the power of affirmations, and prayer for a more positive and spiritual way of thinking for your life.

Week one:

Focus on love. Loving God, being more loving to others, giving of ones self, loving neighbor and self. Be Love!


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Affirmation prayer:

God help me to be more loving, humble, forgiving, giving, kind and patient with others and myself. I will strive to Love God with all of my heart, mind and soul.
God is love, and love is God!


To love God FIRST, over others and myself. To realize that loving God above other things in my life frees me to love others with more of who I am and can become.

Week two:

Focus on wisdom, knowledge, truth and understanding from God. Do NOT seek out wisdom, knowledge, truth, or understanding from culture or society, or from anyone in the world. The bible should be your only source for all understanding and truth.


Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by his deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such wisdom does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, and good fruit... James 3:1317

Affirmation prayer:

God help me to NOT find fault with others, or to be argumentative or judgmental with my spouse, friends, and associates. I will seek your wisdom daily. I will look up the "True" purpose of my situation in the concordance/dictionary of my bible, and allow your wisdom to give me the understanding I need to handle the situation with your divine truth.


To gain the understanding that God is your "ONLY" source for everything under the sun for your life.

Week three:

Focus on Spiritual self by thinking positive and doing constructive things. Take walks outdoors among nature. Try yoga, meditation, or other relaxation techniques to relieve your mind of stress and worry. Take up Pilates or other non-strenuous exercise to help relieve tension and stress. Doing these things will reflect back onto your spiritual consciousness.

We need to keep our minds free of clutter and junk. It is an attitude thing. What we allow into our heart and mind reflects back out in our actions.

Prayer: be made NEW in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the New self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:23

Affirmation prayer:

God give me the encouragement and strength I need to exist with a renewed attitude of love, giving and forgiving. Help me to put on the new aspects of my personality that I have been hiding within the depths of my soul. Help me to see the good in people even though they are different from me.


To recognize the potential within me and to be a new creative, positive person in Jesus Christ, displaying my full potential in everything that I do. To be renewed in mind and spirit. To not focus on my negative feelings of others but to focus more on the positive attributes of my self so I can be more loving and kind to others.

Week four:

Focus on applying God's counsel, love, and wisdom on a daily basis through continual prayer and bible study. Learn to make God a priority in life. Make God a habit! Change of heart, change of attitude.


To the man who pleases him, god gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness. Ecclesiastes. 2:26

Affirmation prayer:

God help me to apply your spiritual counsel and wisdom into my daily life to bring me purpose in all that do. Help me to make your wisdom a part of my life in everything that I do.


To be free from negative and destructive junk, to be the whole and complete spiritual person that I was meant to be. To live life in peace and in harmony with all outside influences.

Forgive someone today.

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Angie Lewis offers spiritual enlightenment tips for couples in marriage, and is the author of new release book JOURNEY ON THE ROADS LESS TRAVELED. This unique book is about love, life, marriage, addiction, temptation, and understanding the power of spiritual awareness for your marriage. In her book, Angie reveals her own journey of overcoming addiction and battling with her negative emotions that she allowed to embrace her life and marriage. ISBN 1413788904 Avaliable Amazon online!

Angie Lewis counsels couples and writes a monthly newsletter where she reveals her secrets on how YOU can stay happily married for life!

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Morning Affirmations

Morning affirmations are the perfect way to start your day. It is important that each day is started with a positive, uplifting attitude and morning affirmations can help you create that positive energy.

Many people like to use positive affirmations to improve their life and attract the things that they desire, but they don't realize that they could create an even better lifestyle if they applied their affirmations on a regular basis. Using daily affirmations is a very powerful way to help anyone attract positive experiences into their life.

When you are using affirmations, it is best to understand where your negative thoughts and feelings are so that you know what needs to be replaced with the positive. It is easy to fall into the rut of focusing on those negative thoughts, be sure that you are not staying in the negative energy-- it is good to acknowledge the energy, and then quickly replace it with the positive affirmations that you have.

Morning Affirmations

I prefer to use morning affirmations, I have found that using affirmations every day creates a positive energy that attracts the things that I desire. Using these daily affirmations in the morning is a great way to start the day in a good, positive mood and remind you what you want to focus on that day.

If the morning doesn't work for you, then you should make sure to schedule some time every day-- even if it is later in the day. Although the morning is one of the best times to use affirmations, they can still be very effective no matter what time of day you are using the affirmations. The important thing is to make sure that you are using affirmations on a regular basis.

If you want to bring a positive change into your life and attract prosperity and wealth, start using morning affirmations and see how quickly these changes come!

Morning Affirmations
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Kaylie L Holbrook has the secrets you need to change your life immediately with morning affirmations. Experience amazing changes in your life at my website:

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