Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Christian Affirmations Blueprint to Success

Affirmations are just lovely little sentences or nice statements unless we actually sow them into subconsciousness. We just can't read them or say them once or twice and expect everything to be rosy from that day forward. The true success from using affirmations is actually in what I just said... using!

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We have to use affirmations in such a way that they permanently permeate into our sub-conscious mind. This can only be done by repeating the affirmations to ourselves and dwelling upon the positive statements every day.

Affirmation simply means to affirm something to be true and there are many ways we use affirmations as a Christian sometimes without even knowing we are doing it. For example: Every time we pray either by ourselves or in a Church meeting situation we end the prayer request with Amen. This is a way of affirming what was just asked of the Lord to be true because Amen simply means - so be it. Think about that next time you say Amen to something you actually saying so be it and therefore affirming or agreeing that what was just asked will come to pass.

The Christian Affirmations Blueprint to Success

Another way Christian use affirmations is by singing choruses. It is amazing how many wonderful affirmations are contained in the choruses. So next time you sing a chorus just don't let your mind wonder off actually take hold of what is being said. Every chorus and hymn contains positive affirmations that we actually sing into our subconscious mind to build up our faith and trust in God.

Reading the Bible is another way we sow positive affirmations into our subconscious minds. The Bible is constantly reminding us that we can, and that we are well able and God has an extreme love for us. While in the world we might face negativity and doubt, the word of God encourages us to be renewed and to be faithful and positive.

Praying is another way we can sow positive Christian affirmations into our life. Jesus encouraged us to ask in his name. Come before God in prayer and let your requests be known unto him and if we believe we shall have whatsoever we require of him. That is an amazing promise so why not use the formula God has provided us with?

Meditation is another way to sow affirmations into our subconscious minds. To most people meditation conjures up images of someone sitting with the legs crossed and chanting but that's not what I am referring to here. To meditate on something simply means to dwell on it. Therefore, think about it constantly. I go for long walks for exercise and love meditating on positive statements and scriptures from the Bible. I also mix it up with listening to mp3 affirmations I have on my iPod which I also find very uplifting.

In summary we will reap what we sow. If we do want good things in our life we just can't sit back and wish it to be so, instead we need to actually train our brains to be spiritual. As you can see from the few suggestions mentioned above, that nothing has to be complicated.

The Christian Affirmations Blueprint to Success

Improve your life starting today by visiting Allan's site to discover an exciting and fun way to transform your mind into a spiritually thinking machine using the power of Christian affirmations.

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