Thursday, May 31, 2012

Some Sample Prosperity Affirmations That Work

If you're stumped about creating a prosperity affirmation, don't worry - you're not alone!

When people ask me how to go about creating affirmations, money is always a hot topic. After all, who among us couldn't use a money boost? Finances are an intensely-charged subject for everyone.


Each person's definition of prosperity is different, so when I work with coaching people, I guide them through three important steps.

Some Sample Prosperity Affirmations That Work

1) First I ask them: What conditions in your life would allow you to feel prosperous? Is there a specific amount of money that you need, or is it more about having a nice home, a decent car to drive, and plenty of food on the table? When you work on a prosperity affirmation, it's important to affirm the feeling of being prosperous and to imagine the situations in your life which would allow you to experience this feeling.

2) Then, after the person has identified what situations would allow them to feel prosperous, I ask them: What words carry this same feeling for you? What words have a feeling of prosperity? Some sample words might be: joy, peace, flow, happiness, plenty, abundance, relaxation, emotional well-being, luxury, or limitless supply. At this stage it's important to find words that have a real spark to them, that light your inner fire. It's only words that light your inner fire which will carry a true energy of prosperity as you create your prosperity affirmation.

3) After words have been identified that have the right feeling to them, I ask the person to construct some sample sentences using these powerful words. Sometimes you need to play around with grammar and try different nouns, verbs, and adjectives. If you use something that seems unnatural and the words feel stiff or weird to you, they won't work. The words need to feel good to you. Some sample sentence variations might be: "I am experiencing abundance at all times, in all ways." "I have plenty of money." "My home is safe and my family is healthy and well." "I am so happy that financial abundance has manifested." "I attract abundance at all times." "I am a money magnet." Each of these phrases works nicely as a prosperity affirmation, but feel free to use these as a take-off point to create prosperity affirmations of your own.

After you've found a nice prosperity affirmation that really "clicks," it's time to get to work! Start using the affirmation each day. Repeat it silently to yourself while you're in the shower, say it aloud as you drive to work, or write it down in a journal or notebook. Put the prosperity affirmation at the forefront of your mind and bring your attention to it throughout the day.

After you use your prosperity affirmation regularly for a few weeks, it might be time to release it. I always remind people not to "overwork" their affirmations. If an affirmation starts to feel heavy and you have a resistance to using it, it's probably time to let it go and release it to the Universe. Set it aside for a while. Let the mysterious power of the subconscious mind go to work and give your waking mind a break.

Before long, you'll be noticing people, places, and situations that are leading you into a more abundant and prosperous manner of living. Pay attention to these opportunities. They are all signs of the power of your intention, and they are working to bring about your prosperity affirmation and help it manifest on the physical plane.

After you start experiencing more prosperity, you'll know for yourself how to create affirmations that will work in every area your life. And you'll start living the limitless life you were always meant to live!

Some Sample Prosperity Affirmations That Work

My free report, Affirmations Cheat Sheet contains sample affirmations for weight loss, self-improvement, abundance and more. You can start using them today!

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