Thursday, May 31, 2012

Some Sample Prosperity Affirmations That Work

If you're stumped about creating a prosperity affirmation, don't worry - you're not alone!

When people ask me how to go about creating affirmations, money is always a hot topic. After all, who among us couldn't use a money boost? Finances are an intensely-charged subject for everyone.


Each person's definition of prosperity is different, so when I work with coaching people, I guide them through three important steps.

Some Sample Prosperity Affirmations That Work

1) First I ask them: What conditions in your life would allow you to feel prosperous? Is there a specific amount of money that you need, or is it more about having a nice home, a decent car to drive, and plenty of food on the table? When you work on a prosperity affirmation, it's important to affirm the feeling of being prosperous and to imagine the situations in your life which would allow you to experience this feeling.

2) Then, after the person has identified what situations would allow them to feel prosperous, I ask them: What words carry this same feeling for you? What words have a feeling of prosperity? Some sample words might be: joy, peace, flow, happiness, plenty, abundance, relaxation, emotional well-being, luxury, or limitless supply. At this stage it's important to find words that have a real spark to them, that light your inner fire. It's only words that light your inner fire which will carry a true energy of prosperity as you create your prosperity affirmation.

3) After words have been identified that have the right feeling to them, I ask the person to construct some sample sentences using these powerful words. Sometimes you need to play around with grammar and try different nouns, verbs, and adjectives. If you use something that seems unnatural and the words feel stiff or weird to you, they won't work. The words need to feel good to you. Some sample sentence variations might be: "I am experiencing abundance at all times, in all ways." "I have plenty of money." "My home is safe and my family is healthy and well." "I am so happy that financial abundance has manifested." "I attract abundance at all times." "I am a money magnet." Each of these phrases works nicely as a prosperity affirmation, but feel free to use these as a take-off point to create prosperity affirmations of your own.

After you've found a nice prosperity affirmation that really "clicks," it's time to get to work! Start using the affirmation each day. Repeat it silently to yourself while you're in the shower, say it aloud as you drive to work, or write it down in a journal or notebook. Put the prosperity affirmation at the forefront of your mind and bring your attention to it throughout the day.

After you use your prosperity affirmation regularly for a few weeks, it might be time to release it. I always remind people not to "overwork" their affirmations. If an affirmation starts to feel heavy and you have a resistance to using it, it's probably time to let it go and release it to the Universe. Set it aside for a while. Let the mysterious power of the subconscious mind go to work and give your waking mind a break.

Before long, you'll be noticing people, places, and situations that are leading you into a more abundant and prosperous manner of living. Pay attention to these opportunities. They are all signs of the power of your intention, and they are working to bring about your prosperity affirmation and help it manifest on the physical plane.

After you start experiencing more prosperity, you'll know for yourself how to create affirmations that will work in every area your life. And you'll start living the limitless life you were always meant to live!

Some Sample Prosperity Affirmations That Work

My free report, Affirmations Cheat Sheet contains sample affirmations for weight loss, self-improvement, abundance and more. You can start using them today!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How To Train Your Subconscious Mind

It's all in your mind! How many times have you heard that old saying? It's true! When it comes to your financial health it is all in your mind! There is no doubt that the mind of man is the greatest single force in the history of the world. Our problem as humans is that we don't always believe what our mind is telling us! This is when our belief systems have to go to work!

When your mind tells you something long enough, your heart will follow. The Bible even gives us direction on how to achieve great things. Proverbs 18:21, "The tongue has the power of life or death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." To me this simply means to be careful of what you say, it just might come true! Want to persuade yourself that something you want can be accomplished? Keep saying out loud that something great is going to happen! Think positive. Keep doing that over and over until you succeed! It works the same way if you voice something negative time after time, so watch what you say!


While this is a simple truth, it is not always easy to achieve but as history has shown it can be done. Does anything worthwhile ever come easy; no! The test is whether you want what your mind is telling you badly enough to keep going when it seems that you're going to fail. Most people give up on something just before success. It takes perseverance!

How To Train Your Subconscious Mind

We Americans have become a nation of people seeking instant gratification. We don't always know what we want, but we want it now! We don't want to fail! Thomas Edison, after he had invented the light bulb, admitted that he had tried over a thousand times to make the product work. When asked how he could have kept going after failing that many times, he replied that he hadn't failed, but had found a thousand ways that it didn't work. He kept going until the bulb burned!

In repeating your goal over and over again to yourself, you're telling your subconscious mind that you are going to succeed. Soon your subconscious will be telling you in your sleep that you're going to have success. Remember, one necessary ingredient in training your subconscious mind is perserverence!

Winston Churchill, one of the greatest statesmen the world as ever known, was asked to give a commencement address to the graduating class at Harrow, the boy's school he had attended many years before. This was at the beginning of World War II when Churchill was prime minister of England. On the morning of his address the small auditorium was filled with some of the brightest young men of the school. All were anxiously awaiting Churchill's speech. They all wanted to know what wisdom this great man would have to share.

That day as he looked out over the classroom filled with young men, no doubt remembering the days when he was sitting behind those very desks, he said these lasting words, "Never give in---never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."

Tell yourself that you can do something, and then keep at it until you do it!

How To Train Your Subconscious Mind

Bob Alexander is the author and owner of this copyrighted article. He is well experienced in outdoor cooking, life experiences and leisure living. Visit his sites at: [] []

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Affirmations - The Science Behind Why They Work

Twentieth century scientists had a revolution of discovery in regards to the mind and the brain. The brain we had as a child is not the brain we are stuck with. The chemistry and connections in our mind can change. Through free will, our mind can accept new thoughts and create new realities.

The Brain


The same ingredients that make up a liver also create a brain out of which we have a thinking mind. Man is a conscious thinking being. The computer that I am typing on can take in input and give output, but it is not aware that it is doing so. Man is aware. He can perceive and process.

Affirmations - The Science Behind Why They Work

Our brain communicates through chemicals. Neurons (cells) are connected by axons and dendrites. The axons reach out to other cells to distribute information, and the dendrites receive information from those cells.

These chemical connections form as we go through experience. Try to move your right big toe, and only your right big toe. Can you do it? Most likely you cannot move your right big toe without moving the adjacent toes. This is because your mind has mapped those areas of your feet together. Through repetition of walking your mind has associated your toes as one entity and connected the neurons that control your toes together.

Experience creates connections in our mind and repetition strengthens those connections. For a visual analogy, think of a car that has gone down a dirt road so many times that is has made permanent groves. The groves compel the car to travel in this spot on the road each time it passes by. This is the basis of habit formation. Our tendencies are groves worn into our minds by our life experiences.

As children, our parents, our environment, our school, the movements we made, all of it created the physiology of our brains. That is why many of our habits and beliefs can be traced back to our childhood. The next logical question is then, "Can I change the physical connections of my mind to change my habits, behaviors and life?" Fortunately the answer is yes.


Scientists were amazed when they realized that the brains of amputees rewired based on the absent limb. When the brain of Victor Quintero was examined, the concept of phantom limb pain was discovered. Quintero lost his left arm at age 17 in a car accident. When scientists swiped a cotton ball past Quintero's left cheek, he not only felt the movement on his cheek but also on his missing hand. His brain had rewired the real estate devoted to his left hand to his left cheek, called cortical remapping.

This phenomenon has also been observed in people with focal hand dystonia. Focal hand dystonia occurs when hand movements are repeated over and over again, as would been occur in concert musicians. As they repeatedly practice fast complex musical passages for hours on end, their brain begins to rewire and combine the signals is receives from each of the individual fingers. The mind sees the digits as one. In focal hand dystonia, a person loses the ability to move their fingers individually. Just as we cannot move our big tow independent of the others, people with focal hand dystonia cannot move a single finger without moving the others. This is a devastating diagnosis to someone who has dedicated their life to music. The treatment? To remap the brain through forced individual finger movement. Just as the mind saw two fingers as one, you can teach the mind to see the fingers individually again.

Change Your Life

The experiences in life are in large part determined by individual beliefs. As we have seen through the examples above, constant repetition creates and strengthen connections in our brain. For instance, if you were told, over-and-over again, that you were poor, you would have physically created connections in your mind to reinforce the belief of being poor. You would have habits that supported those beliefs and a resulting reality of being poor.

However, just as the musicians with focal hand dystonia, we can rewire our brain, the actual physical connections in our brain, by introducing and repeating new life affirming beliefs. Affirmations repeated continuously, can create new neural connections, that in a very real physical sense, change our physiology and support new habits and behaviors that can change life.

We do not have the brain of our youth. Our brains, not just our minds or our thoughts, but our actual physical brains are in flux and responding to our environment and sensory input continuously. This is where we get our mind power.

Affirmations - The Science Behind Why They Work

Danea Horn started Creative Affirmations as a resource for assisting people with the journey toward a life they choose. Topics include: gratitude, visualization, mind power, healing, writing affirmations, law of attraction and affirmation techniques. Please visit me online at:

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Friday, May 18, 2012

7 Best Practices in Affiliate Marketing

Participating in affiliate programs can be a lucrative source of income - but only if you know how to do it right. As such, a lot of people who are enticed to join one or several affiliate programs in the hope of getting a piece of the pie utterly get frustrated when the money doesn't come rolling in. Is there really money to be made in affiliate marketing? If so, how can you increase your chances of making a good profit from it?, one of the world's leading research and advisory firms, made a prediction a few years ago that the affiliate marketing industry will grow to be a $4 billion-dollar industry by 2014. This only goes to show that there is really a lot of money to be made in affiliate marketing.

However, for you to be successful in this industry, you need to do more than just sign up for any number of affiliate programs. You also need to do your fair share in establishing a firm foundation for your business. To help you achieve this goal, here are some of the best practices and strategies proven to improve affiliate marketing performance:

Start in a niche that you are knowledgeable in. If you are new to affiliate marketing, choosing a niche that you know quite well can be a very good idea. It will definitely make things easier for you since your knowledge and interest in the topic will naturally shine through. As such, you can easily come up with interesting and timely topics for your website or blog and recommend products that will benefit your readers.

Know your audience. To be a successful affiliate marketer, you need to anticipate the needs of your readers and provide the best solutions for their problems. Remember, the more relevant the ads and products you have on your page, the higher your chances of making a sale. However, make sure that you only recommend the best products and let your readers know why you think such products will help them solve their problems.

Respect your readers. Let your readers know about your affiliations to the products that you are promoting. Letting them know that you are about to get a commission for every sale you make can earn you your readers' respect and make them want to buy from you.

It will also be a good idea if you would not inundate your readers with too many ads, over hype the products you are promoting or put plain product pitches with no real content. You can get a few more sales this way, but it may ultimately come back to you and damage your reputation. Remember, once your reputation has taken a beating, recovering from it can be quite a challenge.

Focus. Rather than trying every 'next big thing' that catches your attention, try focusing on establishing a firm foundation for your business. You will get a lot more done this way than if you go around chasing every opportunity that presents itself to you. Persistence brings results. Always remember that.

Develop your assets. Starting and nurturing your own list should be on your agenda right from the very start. Give your subscribers a lot of reasons why they need to be on your list by providing timely information and useful resources. Don't flood them with commercial offers or you'll risk losing them altogether.

Don't stop learning. According to the results of the 2009 Affiliates Benchmark survey, affiliate marketers who attend industry events and read affiliate marketing blogs earn better profits. So, do yourself a favor and keep track of all the latest tips, tricks and information regarding the industry.

Do split-testing. Split testing your campaigns can give you detailed information on how to achieve better conversions and this can ultimately translate to better profits. Don't leave money on the table by failing to test. You will surely regret it.

There is money to be made in affiliate marketing. While it may not lead to quick and easy money, there is a good chance of making residual income from it if you know how to play your cards right.

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